It is all too easy as we go about our lives to take for granted the environment we live in, some of the following pictures are not the best only because when you see something you need to capture with your camera you have to be quick or you will miss it. Very often I see something then run round like a headless chicken looking for my camera only to have missed the moment.
There are starlings nesting in the eaves, which is where this squirrel was heading
Moths are just as amazing as butterflies

When you see snowdrops you know it isn’t’ long before the spring flowers start to poke through the soil
Linda and Clive Herring – an amazing picture, I love how you can see the snow on top of the snowdrop
Linda and Clive Herring – An orchid growing on our Ward, amazing
Hard to believe this a a view on an estate – The Grange Estate, stop a moment and take in the views.
I put the water out for the many dogs who pass by, turns out the squirrel also appreciated the beverage.
Two ducks visited my garden, had a walk around then perched on my fence before flying off.
The next second after I took this picture the heron took flight, so glad I managed snap him.
Not the best picture due to the position and lighting, the green woodpecker is a permanent resident on our estate
A bit blurred I know, I had the wrong camera settings – one of the many hedgehogs who visit our estate and my garden.
I love when we have a hard frost, it accentuates every detail.
Everyone loves a rainbow